To accomodate our members near and far
our meetings are now on ZOOM
January 18, 2025 ICC Zoom Meeting
Is Devoted to Readings
From the Winners of the
Ina Coolbrith Circle 104th Annual Poetry Contest
This meeting features members reading their winning poems from the December 7th ICC Annual Poetry Contest. We look forward to hearing the winning poets read their own poems, including the honorable mention poems in their entirety. If you would like to have your poem presented onscreen while you read, please send a copy to Deborah Schmidt ( by 8 pm Friday, January 17th. There will be no Open Mic at this meeting. The zoom link will be sent by 10 am January 18th.
Following are screen shots from a typical zoom meeting. Though the faces are frozen and silent in the photos, imagine voices in recitation, and the appreciative, attentive listening. ____________________________________